

a. Manti High School has the right to define specific offenses for which the punishment of suspension, long term, or expulsion from school may be imposed.

  1. In addition, Manti has the further right to determine whether the prohibited offense has been committed and to impose ns according to the rules and procedures of its disciplinary plan.

SUSPENSION: Removed from school 1-10 days.

LONG TERM SUSPENSION: Removed from school for the remainder of the quarter or semester.

 EXPULSION: Removed from school by action of the board.

Certain behavior at school or school sponsored activities may lead to suspension, long term suspension, or expulsion when student behavior negatively impacts school discipline and/or the welfare and safety of school students, staff, or the public. The following is a list of such activities:

a. Default in educational requirements: Failure to maintain a satisfactory level of scholastic attainment as defined by the school plan.

b. Tardies: Habitually tardy to school or class.

c. Absences: A pattern of habitual truancy.

d. Disturbance of the school environment: Behavior or dress which disrupts the classroom or school impeding the legitimate educational goals and objectives of the school or the school’s discipline, or the well being of the classroom or school through individual or gang activity.

e. School rules and regulations: Non-compliance with any school rule or regulation.

f. Insubordination: Involves misconduct subversive to the discipline of the school and/or the display of gross disrespect or contempt for school officials.

g. Use of vulgar or profane language: Uses of obscene, vulgar, or indecent language, either spoken or written on school property or at school activities, particularly where the language is directed at a school administrator, teacher, staff member, or student.

h. Possession of obscene literature: The possession and/or the dissemination of obscene pictures, literature, or publications.

i. Violent behavior: Potential or active violent behavior, including fights, assaults toward students or staff, and/or intimidating threats of violent behavior toward students or staff.

j. Possession, sale, or use of controlled substances: Possession, sale, or use of any controlled substance (tobacco, drugs, and alcohol).

k. Illegal behavior: Any criminal behavior such as arson, burglary, loitering, theft, trespass, rape, extortion, criminal mischief/ vandalism, battery, possession of a firearm, knife, weapon, or facsimile of a weapon, explosive devices, or other dangerous objects.

l. Harassment: Hazing, intimidating, or sexual harassment of students or staff.

  1. Gambling: Playing cards, flipping or matching coins, rolling dice for money, or any other form of gambling with or without money.

                Special Note: Many of the above listed actions can vary in degree of severity. In many instances, such actions are illegal and will be referred to Juvenile Court and/or legal authorities for prosecution by school officer if they committed on school grounds or at school sponsored activities.

 16. Student Policy on Illegal Substance Use -- Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drug Use: Manti High School follows District Policies JHB-Tobacco Prevention Policy and JFCI-Drug and Alcohol Abuse by students . South Sanpete School District upholds the state law in prohibiting any unauthorized student use, possession, sale or distribution of tobacco, alcohol, and/or drugs. These actions are prohibited in any school building, or on any other property owned or operated by the District, or at any school sponsored activity, or in any vehicle dispatched by the District to transport students to or from an activity. These substances are not allowed within 1000 feet of the school property or school activities. These prohibitions apply whether or not the actions occur during regular school hours.

Any violation will result in the following consequences as listed in District policy:

a. The student is issued a citation by the school’s designated administrator or law enforcement officer and will be referred to the Juvenile Court.

b. Student may be suspended or expelled.

c. The student will be ineligible for participation in all extra-curricular activities or events for the period of the present sport or activity season.

 17. Cheating:     Manti High School students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of personal integrity concerning completion of school assignments and in testing situations. Teacher are authorized to impose appropriate consequences such as refusal to accept work and /or a loss of credit in situations where cheating is determined to have occurred.

 18. Computer use: All students at Manti High School will be given a private computer account to access the school’s network and the student software contained on the network. It is the school’s desire that all students have access to computers to enhance their learning experience and increase their productivity. Use of the computers will be by permission only, and students must comply will all school rules and policies regarding their use. Use of student owned equipment. Vandalism to computer equipment or files will not be tolerated.

 19. Internet use: Use of the internet will require a South Sanpete School District Acceptable Use Policy signed by the student and a parent of legal guardian. Students will log on each time they access the internet. Students not following the Acceptable Use Policy will lose internet privileges. Accessing inappropriate sites as outlined in the policy will not be allowed.

 20. Closed Circuit T.V. Cameras (Video Monitoring) The school will have a number of cameras recording at all times. This is to help ensure student and building safety.

 21. Name Release: Lists of student and personal contact information may be released to Universities, Colleges, and the Military. If you would like to have your name removed from this list please contact the school within two weeks after the time school starts.

 22. Cell Phones: Cell phones will not be permitted in the school. They must be left in vehicles. Faculty and administration will confiscate cell phones brought into the building. Confiscated cell phones will be returned after 1 week. Parents may be notified for habitual problems