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Ephraim Elementary School Community Council
November 29, 2022

Attending:  Robbie Chaney, Lisle Dewey, Gannon Jones, Cora Lee Wayman, Jamie Nielson, Bryan Harris

  1. Reading program that we have been using has shown great growth. We will be phasing it to 3rd next year.
  2. Funding: We have used about 20% of funds for paraprofessionals. If money is left, we will move it to iPads.
  3. Required to tell community council, that we send out digital citizenship lessons to each grade. Lauren Gillett, STEM Coordinator, also goes over digital citizenship in her class.
  4. School Improvement Plan- It was sent out to all members.
  5. Free and reduced lunch was down this year and we hit it hard. We are a Title One School and we depend on that money.
  6. Question was asked what reform strategies were being used. Gannon explained we are reforming our reading instruction based on research and our data.
  7. Dare program is still being used in 5th grade.
  8. Rise Scores have been posted online.
  9. Instructional Coach is having a very positive impact.
  10. Refocus room is still run by Sandra Summers. She has made this a very successful program. Really helps students to have someone to talk to, and somewhere to take a quick break if needed.
  11. We have advertised to hire a Registered Behavior Technician.
  12. 2nd step program is helpful in the classroom.
  13. Power Hour is going well in grades K-2. It is our targeted reading intervention time.
  14. District offering a Computer Science class with stipend that teachers can take.
  15. Training Day on January 3rd.
  16. PLCs are still being done. DIBELs, Canvas, Teacher Evaluations, Reading Achievement Plan, School Board Goals, Star Program- Volunteers helping with fluency for reading.
  17. Title One Review- They audit and we have to be very specific about funds. Reviewed how funds can be used.
  18. Wellness policy was handed out. Reviewed for 5 min. Eva takes care of all the lunch needs; students have 20 minutes to eat.
  19. Recess is 15 min. in the morning and 15-20 minutes at lunch.
  20. Afternoon recess is supervised by the teachers.
  21. Preliminary discussion for next year’s plan will be discussed in January. We will have DIBELS data to go over.
  22. Items from Council Members.
  23. Christmas Program will be on Dec. 14, 2022.
  24. January 17th Meeting will be our next meeting.