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Ephraim Elementary School Community Council Meeting
November 28, 2023
3:00 PM
Ephraim Elementary Conference Room


Council members in attendance:
Principal Gannon Jones
Teacher: Lori Wegener
Parents: Kristen Weller, Kira Cox, Robert Chaney

Council members not in attendance: Jessica Gordon

The meeting took place at 3:00 p.m. in the Ephraim Elementary conference room.

1. School Trustlands Funds Discussion
A. Funds have slowly gone up- Title One
B. Trustlands Software and Text used on Really Great Reading
C. Trustlands Inservice- LETRS, Reading Summit, Kindergarten teachers to Washington County to visit all day Kindergartens and talk to their ELL specialists
D. Trustlands Travel- 5th grade to Timpanogos, Aquarium
E. We are tracking just right

2. Digital Citizenship bumped until next meeting

3. School Improvement Plan
A. Number enrolled and ELL enrollment has gone up since demographics were typed up
B. 1st Grade almost high enough with enrollment to have 4 teachers again
C. School Improvement Plan Review
a. Refocus Room- Sandra Summers
b. Registered Behavioral Specialist- Ben Sparks new this year, teaches kids skills
c. Whitney Hill - school counselor
d. Into Reading ad My Math Tier 1
e. Really Great Reading, phonics and spelling Tier 1, 2, 3
f. Lexia, iReady, Waterford, IXL, Imagine Learning, ALEKS, Generation Genius computer programs used for extra support
g. Continue using Power Hour reading intervention in Kindergarten, First and Second Grade. Our overall goal is at least 90% of students at or above grade level
h. Staff Professional Development Plan
i. Reading Achievement Plan
- STAR candidates are usually high in accuracy, but low in fluency

4. Title I Review

5. Wellness Policy

6. New School Doors coming in January
a. Badges or passes for recess student bathroom usage, 3? Kira’s idea

7. 2023-24 plan preliminary discussion

8. Items from council members
a. Kira Cox suggested that we don’t let kids out early on Halloween, but have them come late the day after or something

9. Christmas Program - December 14th at the A.C.

10. Agenda for January 16th meeting