GVMS Community Council Meeting
March 25, 2021
Members present: Dia Mower, Kassie Donaldson, Laura Belnap, Angela leatherwood, Knightly Childs, Melissa Sorenson, Patsy Graves, Jeff Bartholomew, and Sharon Mecham.
Welcome: Mr. Bartholomew
COVID – 19 Update:
- Only one student has COVID now in the entire district.
- 5 Students currently enrolled in Edgenuity/online schooling
- April 10th mask mandate will be lifted, but schools will have to wear until July 1st
End of year testing:
- Schools will not be graded this year due to the Covid pandemic; however, schools will still use the data
- Testing starts April 13th – Writing test begins
Data Project/Counseling
School improvement plan:
- Increase WIDA scores – waiting on results
- Parenting class
- Ten parents have participated, it has been very successful
- One Hispanic family attended and Alisa Liddiard has been there to translate for her
- The program is very good and they provide dinner for the families
- Hispanic grades for third quarter, the average was a “B” grade. Feel good about this.
PCBL: Stand based learning
- The state is going in this direction
- Mr. Bartholomew attended a workshop conducted by the Juab superintendent
- Personalized learning for students
- Grading based on a standard
- Whole new mindset for parents and students
- April 12th – teachers at GVMS and Ephraim Middle will be introduced to PCBL
- 2021-2022 year of training for teachers, students, parents/community
- 2022-2023 School will implement
- Takes 4 years to fully implement
- Doesn’t rely on a test to measure student knowledge, branches out to multiple ways to learn
- Puts more responsibility on the students and parents
- Multi factified – Mostly middle schools and high schools, not as much in the elementary
- Snow College is interested in the program as well.
Trust Lands Update:
- GVMS received $48,000.00
- District has applied for a Gear Up grant for next year
- If Gear Up grant doesn’t come through, it was proposed to the committee to use the money for para educators next year. The committee agreed. Mr. Bartholomew also stated that if the grant was approved, he would amend the Trust Lands money, if needed to be used for something else.
End of year update:
- End of year activities will be based on smaller groups due to Covid
- SBO elections are currently in progress – no need for a primary runoff
- No 8th Grade recognition this year.
PTO Update:
- Donated $750.00 to the PBIS program or Bulldog Strong
- Teacher recognition coming up in May
- Kassie Donaldson is next year’s PTO President
Meeting adjourned.