MES New 20202

MES Community Council Meeting 

April 7, 2020 at 10:00 AM

Held via Zoom Meeting due to COVID-19




  1. Approval of previous minutes
  2. School Plan 2020-2021 (Action Item)
    1. Discussion of plan
    2. Voting on  2020-2021 Trusland Plan
    3. School Board review plan on April 8th
  3. Signature Email
    1. Will only come once, if it doesn’t show up then check your spam/junk
    2. Due today so the School Board can also approve it
      1. I need to call the State Board to fix error
      2. Email will be sent immediately
  4. Home instruction
    1. How’s it going?
  5. Title I
  6. Assessments 
    1. RISE, DIBELS, etc. will not happen this year
  7. Elections for next year
    1. This will happen at the beginning of the school year (2020-2021)
    2. A big thank you to our departing council members! 


Questions, Comments


Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 7, 2020 at 1:00 at MES (tentative date/time)