MES New 20202

Manti Elementary

Community Council Meeting Agenda

October 19, 2022

Held in the MES Faculty Room at 1:00


  1. Introduction of New Members 
    1. Parent representatives- Rose Carlile, Cassadie Goold, Cami Hintze
    2. School representatives- Sheri Henningson 
  2. New Faces at MES
    1. Teachers- Elisha Nielsen (kindergarten), Julia Bratton (2nd)
    2. Classified Staff-  Ashlynn Guymon (Student Wellness Center), Lorie Young (Skill Building), Trevor Alder (Registered Behavior Tech), Jeanette Perdue (COVE 21 Coordinator), Kristi Wintch (PE), Cindalyn Maylett (shifted to Librarian), Malcolm Powell (School Resource Officer), Sarah Johnson (Nurse), Amanda Jenkins (Lunch Manager)
    3. Building Updates: New wood chips, new gutters, updates for security system, new intercom system
  3. Review of Community Council Training/New Items 
    1. MES Rules of Order 
    2. School Land Trust Online Training Videos
      1. CC Roles/Responsibilities
      2. CC 101
      3. What's New for 22-23 CC 
        1. Member email addresses for Trustland 
        2. Create a link for contact?
      4. School LAND Trust Youtube Channel 
  4. Election of new officers
    1. Chair: 
    2. Vice Chair:
    3. Secretary:  
  5. MES 2022-2023 Report MES 2022-2023 Report 
  6. Technology Update
    1. Digital Citizenship 
    2. COVE 21 Update
  7. School Safety/Emergency Plans (Discuss more fully in Nov.)
    1. School Rules: Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Respectful (to yourself, others, and school property)
    2. Emergency Plans (Discuss in November)
    3. Skill Building
  8. 21-22 MES Trustland Expense Report 
  9. 2022-2023 MES Trustland Plan 
  10. 2022-2023 TSSA Plan  
  11. 2022-2023 Community Council Calendar 
  12.  PTO Representative: Leslie Cox

Next Meeting:  November 16th @ 1:00

Key discussions Digital Citizenship and School Safety

October- already had fire drill

10 Faculty Meeting

Kindergarten Safety Day

12 PCBL Meeting 12:30

School Board Meeting 

13 Red Cross Blood Drive 3:00-8:00

Kindergarten Field Trip

14 Flu Shots 11:00-1:00 (see email from Sarah for registration)

Amira PD 1:00-2:00 (Zoom)

17-20 Innovation Week and Bus Safety Week

17 Principals Meeting

PTO Sunder Creek Farms 4:30-7:00

19 Picture Retakes

Community Council 1:00

20 Quarterly Activity,  School dismissed at 12:00

21-25 Fall Break

26 Big Smiles at MES 

28 Soaring of the Eagles Run 8:20

31 Halloween/Parade, Parties in the morning, parade at 11:00, dismissal at 12:00

November: Lock Down Drill 

1 LIM Training

3 Admin LETRS, Dave gone

4 PH Para Training

11 Veteran’s Day (Hoping for an assembly)

13-18 Chocolate Fundraiser 

14 Chocolate Assembly @ 1:45

16 Community Council 1:00

18 Soaring of the Eagles Run

23-25 Thanksgiving Break (out at 12:00 on 23rd)


1 Fire Drill @ 9:00

5-6 Hour of Code Week

12 Christmas Program @ 6:00 (practice that morning)

14 School Board Meeting

16 Soaring of the Eagles Run

20 ½ day, out at 12:00

20-2 Christmas Break