MES New 20202

Financial Proposal and Report

This report is automatically generated from the School Plan entered in the spring of 2018 and from the District Business Administrator's data entry of the School LAND Trust expenditures in 2018-2019.

Description Planned Expenditures
(entered by the school)
Actual Expenditures
(entered by the school)
Actual Expenditures
(entered by the District
Business Administrator)
Remaining Funds (Carry-Over to 2019-2020) $1,010 N/A $0
Carry-Over from 2017-2018 $9,835 N/A $7,664
Distribution for 2018-2019 $60,695 N/A $64,155
Total Available for Expenditure in 2018-2019 $70,530 N/A $71,819
Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200) $52,520 $49,286 $43,102
Employee Benefits (200) $0 $0 $3,607
Professional and Technical Services (300) $9,500 $10,849 $7,607
Repairs and Maintenance (400) $0 $0 $0
RETIRED. DO NOT USE (500) $0 $0 $0
Printing (550) $0 $0 $0
Transportation/Admission/Per Diem/Site Licenses (510, 530 and 580) $0 $0 $0
General Supplies (610) $0 $0 $4,050
Textbooks (641) $0 $0 $2,269
Textbooks (Online Curriculum or Subscriptions) (642) $0 $0 $0
Library Books (644) $0 $0 $0
Technology Related Hardware/Software (< $5,000 per item) (650) $0 $0 $0
Software (670) $500 $500 $0
Equipment (Computer Hardware, Instruments, Furniture) (730) $7,000 $11,184 $11,184
Technology Equipment > $5,000 (734) $0 $0 $0
Total Expenditures $69,520 $71,819 $71,819

Goal #1


The Manti Elementary School Community council members have set a goal to improve our DIBELS fluency reading proficiency with 83% of our students reaching grade level benchmark by April 2019

Academic Areas 

  • Reading


This is the measurement identified in the plan to determine if the goal was reached.

The DIBELS oral reading assessment is given to our students 3 times per year. We administer the assessment in the fall, winter and spring to determine progress for end of level benchmark goals. We will use DIBELS benchmark assessment to measure student reading fluency proficiency.

Please show the before and after measurements and how academic performance was improved.

BOY DIBELS results indicated that 68% of students at MES were proficient readers at the beginning of the 18-19 school year.  This percentage increased to 79% of students by the end of the 18-19 school year.

Action Plan Steps 

This is the Action Plan Steps identified in the plan to reach the goal.

Manti Elementary School Community Council members voted to improve reading fluency by hiring four paraprofessionals to work in four classrooms. Paraprofessionals will work with students in small group and one-on-one assisting teachers with reading instruction known to us as 'Power Hour'. Paraprofessionals will also use the DIBELS progress monitoring assessment to assess student progress toward benchmark goals. This will help guide instruction and make necessary instructional changes if needed.

Please explain how the action plan was implemented to reach this goal.

Paraprofessionals were hired with Trustland Funds and worked to increase student reading fluency by working with small groups of students and one-on-one- during our 'Power Hour.'  In addition to this, paras also progress monitored students toward benchmark goals to help guide instruction.


Category Description Estimated Cost Actual Cost Actual Use
  Total: $39,000 $34,995  
Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200) We will hire two paraprofessionals to work with classroom teachers. Paraprofessionals will help implement reading interventions for all students. $39,000 $34,995 As Described

Goal #2


Manti Elementary students will increase in reading proficiency by participating in the Beverly Taylor Sorenson Arts program. Students will participate in theater/drama classes focusing on literacy curriculum, such as reading comprehension, writing scripts for plays, oral reading fluency and vocabulary.

Academic Areas 

  • Reading
  • Fine Arts


This is the measurement identified in the plan to determine if the goal was reached.

Students will show academic growth in language arts determined by the DIBELS assessment, Texas Primary Reading Inventory, Fountas and Pinnell Reading Assessment and end-of-year SAGE language arts assessment.

Please show the before and after measurements and how academic performance was improved.

Student proficiency on DIBELS assessment increased from 68% of students reading proficiently on beginning of year assessments to 79% students reading proficiently at the end of year.  End of year SAGE assessment was changed to the RISE assessment.  End of year SAGE data in 2018 indicated that 59% of students were proficient in language arts.  End of year RISE data in 2019 indicated that 53.3% of students were proficient in language arts.

Action Plan Steps 

This is the Action Plan Steps identified in the plan to reach the goal.

Manti Elementary School Community Council voted to allocate $5,000 to continue implementation of the Beverly Taylor Sorenson Arts program for the 2018-2019 school year. The allocated funds will help pay the salary for our Drama teacher.

Please explain how the action plan was implemented to reach this goal.

The allocated funds help pay the salary for our Drama teacher who implemented various portions of the language arts core into drama (script writing, reading, speaking, listening, vocabulary, etc.).


Category Description Estimated Cost Actual Cost Actual Use
  Total: $5,000 $8,107  
Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200) We will form a partnership with the Beverly Taylor Sorenson Art Foundation to pay 20% of the salary and benefits for our Beverly Taylor Sorenson Art drama teacher. $5,000 $8,107 As Described

Goal #3


Manti Elementary School students will show growth in all academic areas specifically in math, language arts, and writing. as we implement Franklin-Covey's Leader in Me program. Students will set academic goals and track their own learning and progress toward goal achievement using Leadership notebooks. Students will graph their math timings, assessments, writing, attendance, and other personal and academic goals. 65% of students in third, fourth and fifth grade will test proficient using Utah's SAGE end-of-year mathematics and language arts assessment earning a 3 or 4.

Academic Areas 

  • Reading
  • Mathematics
  • Writing


This is the measurement identified in the plan to determine if the goal was reached.

Manti Elementary School will continue the Leader in Me program for the 2018-2019 school year. This program requires meticulous data collection using data notebooks for every student K-5. Students and teachers will track progress in math, reading and writing using graphs and charts as well as setting school, class and individual academic goals. We will also determine progress and proficiency using data collected from the SAGE end-of-year mathematics assessment for students in grades 3-5.

Please show the before and after measurements and how academic performance was improved.

Student and teachers used data notebooks to track progress toward math, reading, and writing goals using graphs and charts. School, class, and individual academic goals were set.  Academic performance was tracked by comparing end of year SAGE assessment data (2018) to end of year RISE assessment data (2019).  2018 EOY SAGE data indicated that 62.0% of students were proficient in Math.  2019 EOY RISE data show that  62.6% of students were proficient in Math.  2018 EOY SAGE data indicated that 58.7% of students were proficient in Language Arts.  2019 EOY RISE data show that 53.3% of students were proficient in Language Arts.

Action Plan Steps 

This is the Action Plan Steps identified in the plan to reach the goal.

Manti Elementary School Community Council voted to allocate $4,500 to continue implementation of the Leader in Me program. The Leader in Me is an innovative, school-wide model that increases teacher effectiveness, student engagement and academic achievement, while preparing students to be leaders in the 21st century. Funds will be needed to continue the usage of the website, training materials, and student workbooks.

Please explain how the action plan was implemented to reach this goal.

MES continued implementation of the Leader in Me by using Trustland Funds to access Leader in Me curriculum, professional development, activity books, and data notebooks.


Category Description Estimated Cost Actual Cost Actual Use
  Total: $4,500 $7,607  
Professional and Technical Services (300) Manti Elementary School will continue the Leader in Me program for the 2018-2019 school year. This program requires meticulous data collection including using data notebooksfor every student. Students and teachers will track progress in math, reading and writing using graphs and charts as well as setting school, class and individual academic goals. We will also determine progress and proficiency using data collected from the SAGE end-of-year mathematics assessment for students in grades 3-5. $4,500 $7,607 As Described

Goal #4


We will work to increase student proficiency in math and language arts on the Utah SAGE assessment and DIBELS by continuing to implement one to one iPads in each grade level.

Academic Areas 

  • Reading
  • Mathematics


This is the measurement identified in the plan to determine if the goal was reached.

We will increase student proficiency 15% on the Utah SAGE, and 60% typical progress or better on the DIBELS assessment during the 2018-2019.

Please show the before and after measurements and how academic performance was improved.

Academic proficiency was tracked by comparing end of year SAGE assessment data (2018) to end of year RISE assessment data (2019).  2018 EOY SAGE data indicated 62.0% of students were proficient in Math.  2019 EOY RISE data show that  62.6% of students were proficient in Math. 2018 EOY SAGE data indicated that 58.7% of students were proficient in Language Arts, 62.0% of students were proficient in Math, and 68.2% of students were proficient in Science.  2019 EOY RISE data show that 53.3% of students were proficient in Language Arts, 62.6% of students were proficient in Math, and 68% of students were proficient in Science.  2018 EOY SAGE data indicated that 58.7% of students were proficient in Language Arts.  2019 EOY RISE data show that 53.3% of students were proficient in Language Arts. 

76% of students showed typical, above, or well above growth based on DIBELS assessment during the 2018-2019 school year.

Action Plan Steps 

This is the Action Plan Steps identified in the plan to reach the goal.

The Manti Elementary School Community Council voted to spend $7,000 to purchase iPads for our school during the 2018-2019 school year as we move to one to one iPad implementation.

Please explain how the action plan was implemented to reach this goal.

iPads were purchased for our school.  Students were able to use these tools to help improve student proficiency in math and reading as noted in the data.


Category Description Estimated Cost Actual Cost Actual Use
  Total: $7,000 $11,184  
Equipment (Computer Hardware, Instruments, Furniture) (730) iPads $7,000 $11,184 As Described

Goal #5


Students in grades 3-5 will show improvement in their average writing score using iPad keyboards. This purchase will allow students more opportunities to practice keyboarding skills.

Academic Areas 

  • Writing


This is the measurement identified in the plan to determine if the goal was reached.

Students in grades 3-5 will reach an average rubric score of 12 to15 (Write From the Beginning and Beyond rubric) using iPad keyboards to increase typing confidence while writing.

Please show the before and after measurements and how academic performance was improved.

Using a 20 point writing rubric used by all teachers, average student writing performance was 3.76 at the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year.  The average score at the end of the 2018-2019 increased to 14.4.  Purchase of keyboards helped improve student writing proficiency as they were able to use iPads and keyboards to practice and publish writing.

Action Plan Steps 

This is the Action Plan Steps identified in the plan to reach the goal.

We will purchase 80 iPad keyboards to help grades 3-5 prepare students for the SAGE writing assessment in 5th grade.

Please explain how the action plan was implemented to reach this goal.

School purchased 80 keyboards to help students prepare for SAGE writing assessments.  Students used them with iPads to write various writing assignments throughout the school year.


Category Description Estimated Cost Actual Cost Actual Use
  Total: $8,520 $6,184  
Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200) Keyboards for IPads and additional IPads. $8,520 $6,184 As Described

Goal #6


It is important for teachers to continue to learn and grow. Student acheivement will increase as teachers attend professional development and increase expertise in math, science and language arts.

Academic Areas 

  • Reading
  • Mathematics
  • Writing
  • Science


This is the measurement identified in the plan to determine if the goal was reached.

Students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade will show improvement in all academic areas as teachers continue to improve their knowledge and pedagogical skills.  SAGE, DIBELS, Fountas and Pinnell and TPRI are the assessments that will be used to measure growth.

Please show the before and after measurements and how academic performance was improved.

Academic performance was tracked by comparing end of year SAGE assessment data (2018) to end of year RISE assessment data (2019).  2018 EOY SAGE data indicated that 58.7% of students were proficient in Language Arts, 62.0% of students were proficient in Math, and 68.2% of students were proficient in Science.  2019 EOY RISE data show that 53.3% of students were proficient in Language Arts, 62.6% of students were proficient in Math, and 68% of students were proficient in Science.  Performance on DIBELS increased from 68% of students reading at or above grade level at the beginning of year to 79% of students reading at or above grade level at the end of year.

Action Plan Steps 

This is the Action Plan Steps identified in the plan to reach the goal.

Manti Elementary School Community Council voted to allocate Land Trust funds for teacher professional development for the 2018-2019 school year.

Please explain how the action plan was implemented to reach this goal.

Teachers attended numerous professional development trainings such as Rural Schools, Grow Mindset, etc that helped improve their expertise in core areas.


Category Description Estimated Cost Actual Cost Actual Use
  Total: $5,000 $3,242  
Professional and Technical Services (300) Teachers will attend professional development opportunities to increase expertise and pedagogical skills. $5,000 $3,242 As Described

Goal #7


Manti Elementary School implemented a refocus program for students. This program monitors students in various activities (e.g. classroom, school grounds, halls, assemblies, lunch, tests, etc.) for the purpose of providing a safe and positive learning environment. It also provides continuing feedback to teachers and administrators regarding student progress for the purpose of problem-solving individual student needs and making changes in strategies, as needed.

Academic Areas 

  • Reading
  • Mathematics
  • Writing
  • Technology
  • Science


This is the measurement identified in the plan to determine if the goal was reached.

Students will show 10% growth in all academic areas using SAGE and DIBELS assessments.

Please show the before and after measurements and how academic performance was improved.

Academic performance was tracked by comparing end of year SAGE assessment data (2018) to end of year RISE assessment data (2019).  2018 EOY SAGE data indicated that 58.7% of students were proficient in Language Arts, 62.0% of students were proficient in Math, and 68.2% of students were proficient in Science.  2019 EOY RISE data show that 53.3% of students were proficient in Language Arts, 62.6% of students were proficient in Math, and 68% of students were proficient in Science.  Student performance on the DIBELS assessment increased from 68% to 79% of students reading at or above grade level from the beginning of year to end of year.

Action Plan Steps 

This is the Action Plan Steps identified in the plan to reach the goal.

We use the program, Educator's Handbook, to track behavior of students referred to the  refocus room. This program provides continues feedback to teachers and administrators regarding student progress for the purpose of problem-solving individual student needs and making changes in strategies, as needed. Manti Elementary Community Council voted to allocate Trust land funds to support our PBIS system, refocus room.

Please explain how the action plan was implemented to reach this goal.

Educator's Handbook was purchased and used to track students referred to our refocus room.  The program provided feedback to teachers and administrators about problem solving involving student needs and making changes as needed.


Category Description Estimated Cost Actual Cost Actual Use
  Total: $500 $500  
Software (670) The Educator's Handbook software program cost $500.00 per year for usage. $500 $500 As Described

Funding Changes (and Unplanned Expenditures) 

The school plan describes how additional funds exceeding the estimated distribution would be spent. This is the description.

Additional funds will be spent on hiring more paraprofessionals and teacher professional development.

Description of how any additional funds exceeding the estimated distribution were actually spent.

We spent the money as planned


The following items are the proposed methods of how the Plan would be publicized to the community:

  • Sticker and stamps that identify purchases made with School LAND Trust funds.
  • School newsletter
  • School website

The school plan was actually publicized to the community in the following way(s): 

  • Sticker and stamps that identify purchases made with School LAND Trust funds.
  • School newsletter
  • School website
  • Other: Please explain.
    • Email, Beginning of year mailer

Summary Posting Date

A summary of this Final Report was provided to parents and posted on the school website on 2019-10-18

Council Plan Approvals

Number Approved Number Not Approved Number Absent Vote Date
6 0 2 2018-03-21
