Ephraim Middle School
Community Council Minutes
Oct. 19, 2022
3:00pm - EMS Library
John Gillett - Principal
Angie Gerber - parent member
Tara Daniels - Teacher
Michelle Olthius - parent member
Spencer Dyches - parent member
Rose Carlile - parent member
Janika Broomhead - School Counselor (non-voting)
1. Meeting called to order at 3:05 PM by Angie Gerber.
2. Introduction of new members - Spencer Dyches and Rose Carlile
3. Election of new Officer: Rose Carlile nominates Spencer Dyches, seconded by Tara Daniels, all in favor. Vice Chair will be Spencer Dyches.
4. Approval of last meeting minutes was conducted at our last meeting during the 2021-22 school year.
5. SCC Checklist/Responsibilities/Training: John talked about the role of the School Community Council members, and where the Trustlands funding comes from. The funding is intended to help support students in the areas of Math, English, and Science. Trustlands training given to the School Community Council. Rules of Order provided to the Council members.
6. We have not received last year's RISE scores as of yet.
7. 2021-22 Trustland Report
8. 2022-23 Trustland Plan -
a. Goal 1: Improve the previous years end-of-year state assessments (RISE) in both growth and achievement points categories.
b. Goal 2: Increase English Language Learners' Adequate progress as measured on the WIDA assessment.
c. Goal 3: Increase individual proficiency in Beginning Band (6th grade) and increase the number of students who continue to participate in band.
9. TSSA Plan Goals - John went over the goals for our TSSA plan for the 2022-23 school year
a. Goal 1: Increase the success of all of our students academically
b.Goal 2: Provide a school culture of excellence and inclusion by providing wholesome activities, field trips, assemblies, and recognition for all of EMS students
c. Goal 3: Provide College and Career Awareness opportunities for our students
d. Goal 4: Provide in-service opportunities, appreciation and connections for our teachers and staff
10. School Trustland timelines provided to members
11. Ideas for 2023-24 School Trustlands Plan: purchase ALEKS for Math classes. John requests members generate ideas for next year's Trustlands plan. Rose suggests that we do an assembly with ‘Fight the New Drug’.
12. Proposed SCC meeting schedule for 2022-23 school year. Angie Gerber requests a motion to approve the schedule, motion by Spencer, seconded by Rose, all in favor.
a. 10/19/22 3:00 pm in EMS Library
b. 11/30/22 3:00 pm in EMS Library
c. 2/1/23 3:00 pm in the EMS Library
d. 4/11/23 3:00 pm in the EMS Library
13. Questions/Concerns: Question about IXL which is being used in the Math, Science and English classes this year. Question about ALEKS, we have used ALEKS in the past for Math, but are now using IXL.
14. Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 30, 2022 in the EMS Library.
15. Motion to adjourn made at 4:20 PM by Rose, seconded by Spencer.
1. Meeting called to order at 3:05 PM by Angie Gerber.
2. Introduction of new members - Spencer Dyches and Rose Carlile
3. Election of new Officer: Rose Carlile nominates Spencer Dyches, seconded by Tara Daniels, all in favor. Vice Chair will be Spencer Dyches.
4. Approval of last meeting minutes was conducted at our last meeting during the 2021-22 school year.
5. SCC Checklist/Responsibilities/Training: John talked about the role of the School Community Council members, and where the Trustlands funding comes from. The funding is intended to help support students in the areas of Math, English, and Science. Trustlands training given to the School Community Council. Rules of Order provided to the Council members.
6. We have not received last year's RISE scores as of yet.
7. 2021-22 Trustland Report
8. 2022-23 Trustland Plan -
a. Goal 1: Improve the previous years end-of-year state assessments (RISE) in both growth and achievement points categories.
b. Goal 2: Increase English Language Learners' Adequate progress as measured on the WIDA assessment.
c. Goal 3: Increase individual proficiency in Beginning Band (6th grade) and increase the number of students who continue to participate in band.
9. TSSA Plan Goals - John went over the goals for our TSSA plan for the 2022-23 school year
a. Goal 1: Increase the success of all of our students academically
b.Goal 2: Provide a school culture of excellence and inclusion by providing wholesome activities, field trips, assemblies, and recognition for all of EMS students
c. Goal 3: Provide College and Career Awareness opportunities for our students
d. Goal 4: Provide in-service opportunities, appreciation and connections for our teachers and staff
10. School Trustland timelines provided to members
11. Ideas for 2023-24 School Trustlands Plan: purchase ALEKS for Math classes. John requests members generate ideas for next year's Trustlands plan. Rose suggests that we do an assembly with ‘Fight the New Drug’.
12. Proposed SCC meeting schedule for 2022-23 school year. Angie Gerber requests a motion to approve the schedule, motion by Spencer, seconded by Rose, all in favor.
a. 10/19/22 3:00 pm in EMS Library
b. 11/30/22 3:00 pm in EMS Library
c. 2/1/23 3:00 pm in the EMS Library
d. 4/11/23 3:00 pm in the EMS Library
13. Questions/Concerns: Question about IXL which is being used in the Math, Science and English classes this year. Question about ALEKS, we have used ALEKS in the past for Math, but are now using IXL.
14. Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 30, 2022 in the EMS Library.
15. Motion to adjourn made at 4:20 PM by Rose, seconded by Spencer.