Ephraim Middle School
School Community Council
November 30th @ 3:00 pm
EMS Library



John Gillett - Principal
Janika Broomhead - School Counselor (Non-voting)
Lydia Stevens - School Secretary (Non-voting)
Spencer Dyches - Parent Member
Rose Carlile - Parent Member
Angela Gerber - Parent Member
Tara Daniels - Teacher


  1. Welcome - Meeting called to order by Angie Gerber @ 3:07pm

  2.  Motion to approve Minutes for 10/19/22 SCC by Spencer Dyches, Rose Carlile seconded the motion.

  3. RISE Data Review/School Report Card-John
    John explained the 1-4 grading scale and percentages for students and proficiency for Math, Science and English for RISE Testing for the 2020-2021, 2021-2022 years. 6th grade Math scores significantly lower because students are not allowed to use calculators.  2019-2020 school year did not test, 2020-2021 mask wearing and lots of students quarantined, 2021-2022 still lots of quarantining. All info on the USB website: EMS School Plan Final Report 2022-2023

  4. TSI designation for ELL - John
    Targeted School Improvement (TSI)- Ethnically checking to see how each of the groups are doing.  ELL is a group of students (Hispanic, Tongan/Samoan) where the English language is not their native language.  ELL groups have not been doing well in testing.  (Learning to listen, speak, read and write).  Testing their ability to speak English.  John went over the testing percentages and how they were scored/weighted.  We are trying to help our lower performing students improve scores and learning.

  5. Review current Trustlands plan (2022 - 2023) - John

  6. *GOAL 1: Improve upon the previous year's (2020-21) end-of-year State Assessment (RISE) in both Growth points and Achievement points categories. 1. Provide para-educator help in our critical Math, Science, and English Language Arts classes ($30,000).  Purchase the prep hour of a teacher to teach a Studies Skills course to support students who do not qualify for other supporting services. ($8,000).   2. Provide appropriate and related Professional Development ($10,000).   3. Provide technology equipment and related applications to improve student learning and student interest ($24,000). Provide materials and supplies for 6th & 7th grade STEM classes ($5,000). Provide funds for science teachers to purchase materials and equipment for science core curriculum ($3,000). Provide materials and supplies for students to effectively compete in Science Olympiad competitions ($2,000).    *GOAL 2: Increase English Language Learners' Adequate progress as measured on the WIDA assessment.  1. Purchase the Prep hour of a certified ELL instructor ($9,000).    2. Provide a para-educator to assist in the ELL classroom. ($2,000).   *GOAL 3: Increase individual student proficiency in Beginning Band (6th Grade) and increase the number of students who continue to participate in band.  1. We will employ two music teaching interns to serve as para-educators in the Beginning Band class ($2,000). They will work with small groups, allowing for more individualized student instruction and support.

  7. Items for the 2023/24 Trustlands Plan
    - Possibly add ALEKS to main goal 1.
    - Any funds not used will be re-allocated and used to purchase more iPads/Technology.
    - Add another ELL instructor

  8. Review next meeting day & time (February 1, 2023 @ 3:00 pm), all members in favor.

  9. Motion to adjourn the meeting by Rose Carlile,  Spencer Dyches seconded the motion.