EMS School Community Council Minutes 4/11/23
In Attendance:
Spencer Dyches - Parent Member
Rose Carlile - Parent Member
Anne Olson - EMS Financial Secretary (non-voting)
John Gillett - EMS Principal
Janika Broomhead - EMS School Counselor (non-voting)
- Welcome and meeting called to order at 3:04 PM by Spencer Dyches.
- Motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting by Rose Carlile, 2nd by Spencer. Motion accepted.
- Review of current Trust Land Plan by John Gillett.
- Review & Approve next year’s 2023-24 trust lands plan. Mr. Gillett went over the goals and reminded the council that the goals need to focus on the areas of Math, Science, and English. We are looking at RISE testing scores in these areas.
- Students should show improvement (growth), Achievement - tests are scored on a scale of 1-4 with a 3-4 considered proficient. Some of the ways we will reach this goal include paras in the classrooms, the purchase of a prep hour for a study skills teacher, professional development opportunities for teachers, Technology, Aleks program for Math teachers, Science Olympiad stipend for coach and money for supplies, and consumables for the STEM class.
- ELL students - increase ELL adequate progress as measured on the WIDA and RISE assessment. We plan to reach this goal by purchasing the prep of a qualified ELL instructor to teach an ELL class, and a para to help in the ELL classroom.
- Retain Band students each year with the help of a para in the Band class, or an app that can help students with Band. If the school receives grants in any of these areas, remaining money in the plan will go toward paraeducators or to technology. Motion made to accept the plan by Rose, 2nd by John, motion accepted.
- Signature form for Trust Lands Plan signed by the Community Council.
- Counselor Corner - Janika Broomhead talked about upcoming events at EMS including
- High School Registration for 8th grade students on 4/20/23. Students will be able to register at school with help from MHS counselors if needed. 5th grade students from MES and EES will visit EMS in May. Reality Town for 8th grade students will be held on May 16th at EMS.
- Enrollment & Staff changes - Mr. Gillett talked about our enrollment for next year, he said it should stay the same or go up for next year. Staff changes - Janika is moving to the District to work as a Mental Health Specialist with Yasmin Heywood. Sherrie Heywood will be replacing her. Ann Banta is going to retire, she will be replaced by Carolyn Osmond. She will also run the Buffalo Den, and do paperwork for the Special Education department. Jeanne Brady is going to retire. Spencer Dyches asked if Kyle Merchant was coming back after finishing his student teaching, John said that he should be back near the end of May and he is planning to be here next school year. Whitney Fonville has been the long term substitute and it has been going well.
- The last two weeks of school we have several end of year activities planned for students.
- Wellness Scorecard - Council read through the Wellness Scorecard
- Open Discussion/Questions - School Climate survey will be going out next week for parents and students. Rose Carlile asked if we have an 8th grade graduation. Mr. Gillett let her know that we do school recognition for students but there is not a formal graduation for parents. Spencer Dyches asked about school safety protocols at EMS, Mr. Gillett talked about school protocol at EMS.
- Elections and meetings next year - Mr. Gillett told the council we will have nomination forms available in the fall.
- Motion to adjourn made by John Gillett at 4:25 pm, 2nd by Spencer Dyches, motion accepted.