MES New 20202

Manti Elementary School Community Council Meeting Held in the MES Faculty Room

January 18, 2023 


  1. Review and approve previous meeting minutes (Action)
  2. MES Updates (Training, Chocolate Fundraiser, Christmas Program, 
  3. Assessment/Data (Informational)
    1. Acadience Reading
    2. Acadience Math 

  1. Website Council Contacts (Information)
  2. Current Trustland Plan (Discussion)
  3. Council Foundational Discussion for 23-24 School Plan (Discussion)
  4. Items from Council Members
    1. Lindsay: Portrait of a Graduate (Discussion)

Next Meeting: March 15, 2023

January 2023 Calendar- Secure Drill

18 Community Council 1:00

19 CTE Pathways Day- 4th Grade

25 School out at 12:00, Skills Training

27 Soaring of the Eagles

February 2023 Calendar

14 Valentines Parties

20 Presidents’ Day (No School)

21-24 Career Week

23 Fire Drill

24 Soaring of the Eagles

March 2023 Calendar: Lock Down Drill

1-2 Parent Teacher Conferences

3 No School

7 Spring Pictures

15 Community Council @ 1:00

19-24 PTO Safety Week 

24 Soaring of the Eagles

Quarter 3 Activity

27-31 Spring Break