MES New 20202

Manti Elementary Community Council Meeting Minutes

Meeting held 11/17/2021 in MES Faculty Room @ 1:00

Members attending: Justin Bradley, Traci Buchanon, Lindsay Braithwait, Kristi Wintch, Charae Moon, Sonnie Jensen and Mr. Ipson.

Absent: Becca Christensen

Visitors: Carrie Christensen 

Mr. Ipson reviewed the minutes from the last meeting. Kristi made the motion to approve the minutes and Charae seconded the motion All were in favor. None were opposed.

Mr. Ipson presented the school safety plan. Mr. Ipson summarized the plan. We reviewed the safety procedure sheet that each classroom has posted. Hold, Secure Drill, Lock Down  

Evacuation: Each class has an exit route (primary and secondary) to become the safest. Shelter: i.e. Tornado or hazmat, each emergency has different procedures. Our primary and secondary evacuation destinations are specified. Bathroom safety is a concern of parents that students know safety procedures if emergency situations happen while they are in the bathroom.

Justin asked about resource office time spent in the building and who pays for it. 

Notification will be sent out through PowerSchool. Radio stations and the sheriff notified.

Justin wants to know if the Sheriff’s Office has the plan, Mr. Ipson will check with them and report the next meeting. 

Mental Health: Wellness Center received a new employee added to our staff. Yazmine Heywood and Jalynn Olsen purchased a re-think ed to teach skills of misbehavior and conflict resolution.  Leader in Me program. K-2 on social/emotional learning. 

Traci asked about the mental health of our staff and faculty. Mr. Ipson said we got an ice machine.😊 District mental health is being maintained by Yasmine and Jalynn.  Mr. Ipson will check and see if our adults have access to counseling. 

Kristi asked if students have incidents, what is the procedure? Mr. Ipson suggested that students report it to their teacher and an adult. 

Digital Citizenship: Each teacher is provided with resources to teach digital citizenship to our students. Each month has a new theme.  

Justin is grateful we have teachers that are rational thinkers, to keep our kids safe. 

Mr. Ipson gave our community council members each a book that our district is reading. “Live Your Excellence”

Tori Mickelsen presented a video of our innovation week and explained what it is. 

PCBL Visit to Juab: Visit two elementary schools in Juab to see how they are implementing PCBL.  Mr. Ipson feels like we are on the right track. 

Justin wants Mr. Ipson to explain Personal Competency Based Learning. Teach kids where they are at. 

Leader in Me, Update:  kindness with connection. Service project in the spring. Mr. Ipson invited our community council to participate if they want. Justin asked about our progress. Mr. Ipson informed us that we are getting back on track after Covid.

Reading updates.  Powerhour K-3 starting back up. Kindergarten will be joining with math and reading interventions this week.  Justin asked if Mr. Ipson is concerned about specific grades. Mr. Ipson answered K-3. Kristi asked if we know the percentage of students that read at home?

RISE Assessments: Teacher doing benchmark assessments. State has not provided data yet for last year. Hopefully by Parent Conferences. 

Christmas Program is in person this year. December 13th @ 6:00. MHS Gym.

Parent Conferences will be different this year in February. Conferences in the evenings 3 nights. Friday off for everyone. February 1-3. 

Next Meeting : January 19th at 1:00.

Justin asked for a motion to adjourn. Kristi motioned and Traci seconded the motion to adjourn.