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Gunnison Valley High School


School Year 2023-24

According to the Teacher and Student Success Act, SB 149, from the 2019 general

session, under the section 53G-7-1206 (4)(a), it requires, “An LEA governing board

shall adopt an LEA governing board student success framework to provide

guidelines and processes for a school within the LEA governing board’s LEA to

follow in developing a teacher and student success plan.”

School Name

Gunnison Valley High School 

1. Analyze Current Data (Current Year)

WIDA scores Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Oral Language, Literacy Averages for ESL students. Scores are

out of 6

Listening- 4.1

Speaking- 3.4

Reading- 3.8

Writing- 3

Oral Language- 3.1

Literacy- 3.8

ASPIRE Data from 22/23

9th Grade GVHS percent proficient

Language Arts- 40%, Reading 30%, Math- 19%, Science- 21%

10th Grade GVHS percent proficient

Language Arts- 34%, Reading 25%, Math- 18%, Science- 18%

2. Goal

GVHS will spend our TSSA funds in 4 different ways: 1. We have hired a bilingual aide to help support our bilingual

students in Math, English, Science and History. This aide will also help supervise student tutors. We will also pay a

person to help support our music program by playing the piano. 2. We will help pay for Mrs. Garff’'s classes towards

becoming a highly qualified English teacher. 3. We will provide supplies for teachers to be successful in their classrooms.

4. TSSA funds will also help pay for professional development.

3. Academic Area

  • Reading
  • Mathematics
  • Writing
  • Science
  • History

4. Measurement(s)

Gunnison Valley High School will use a variety of formative and summative assessments and measurements


1. Wida

2. Rise benchmarks, interim, and summative tests.

5. Action Plan Steps

1. Teacher instruction using modern teaching instruction concepts that promote personalized learning.

2. Add Spanish speaking paraprofessional in classrooms to provide extra support in English and Math.

3. Professional development and training focused on reading, writing, and math instruction.

6. Expenditures (Use Excel Spreadsheet)

Funds will be used for the following:

1. To hire a Spanish speaking para.

2. To Provide teacher inservice.

3. We will also use funds to help us with supplies to successfully implement different school programs and also

communicate with the school community.


WIDA Improvement ASPIRE Improvement

Increase average in

each category by .2

Increase scores by 2%

points in Language

Arts, Math