Learning Loss/Accelerated Learning |
Category |
Description |
Purpose |
Elementary Reading |
Full Time Reading Coaches in 3 Elementary Schools |
Implement a new evidence-based reading program and other support activities to meet the comprehensive needs of each student. |
English Learner Support |
Full Time ESL Licensed Educator |
Address learning loss among English learners and provide targeted instruction and support to students and parents. |
Personalized Learning |
Implement Personal Competency Based Learning Model |
Implement a new evidence-based PCBL program to address the unique needs of each student. |
Teacher Professional Development |
Two Additional Quality Teaching Days per year |
Provide training to educators on the learning loss/accelerated instruction program implementation and ongoing support. These days will also focus on the new evidence-based reading program in the elementary schools. |
Special Education Support |
Full Time Special Ed Licensed Educator |
Address learning loss among students with disabilities and provide targeted instruction and support to students and parents. |
Individualized Student Support |
Additional Para-educators in Elementary Schools |
Provide teacher support and individualized student instruction. |
Course Opportunities |
Purchase additional prep periods in secondary schools |
Increase course opportunities for students, including in-school support and tutoring for students that need additional assistance. |
Estimated Cost $ 938,500 |
Mental Health Support |
Category |
Description |
Purpose |
District-Wide Mental Health Support |
Full Time Mental Health Coordinator |
Provide mental health services and supports, including through the implementation of evidence-based programs and training. |
Mental Health |
Full Time Elementary Counselor |
Provide mental health services and supports focusing full time on Elementary students. Currently, Counselors from secondary schools are only available during short periods of the week for Elementary school students. |
Estimated Cost $ 362,000 |
Health & Safety |
Category |
Description |
Purpose |
School Nursing |
Part Time Nurse & Additional Nursing Supplies |
Implement public health protocols for the operation of school facilities and assist with coordination of local response efforts. |
Cleaning and Sanitizing |
Additional Cleaning/Sanitization Supplies |
Purchase supplies to sanitize and clean the facilities of SSSD in order to continue to adhere to public health protocols, supporting the health and safety of students and staff. |
School Resource Officers |
Continue to support Resource Officers in Schools |
Provide student health services and supports as well as activities that are necessary to maintain operations and continuity of services. |
Estimated Cost $ 165,000 |
Technology |
Category |
Description |
Purpose |
Educational Technology & Support |
Purchase of educational technology for at-home learning, upgrade classroom projectors, audio systems, computers as needed, and electronic signage. Additional staff and parent technical support. |
Utilize evidence-based educational technology software/web-based programs to support regular and substantive academic interactions between students and classroom instruction or online learning. This item includes hardware and staff technical assistance to support implementation and use of these programs. Signage will be used in coordination of preparedness and response efforts with schools and staff, parents, and community members to prevent, prepare for, and respond to pandemic impacts. |
Estimated Cost $ 652,000 |
Supplemental Programs |
Category |
Description |
Purpose |
Summer Programs |
Expand Summer Programs |
Implement expanded targeted summer learning programs to support ongoing classroom instruction efforts, specifically addressing the needs of students with disabilities, English learners, migrant students, and other student subgroups disproportionately impacted by COVID. |
Student Attendance |
Attendance & Student Support Position |
Track student attendance and improving student engagement in both in-school and distance education. |
After School Tutoring |
After School Tutoring Programs with Licensed Educators |
Implement expanded targeted tutoring programs to support ongoing classroom instruction efforts, specifically addressing the needs of students with disabilities, English learners, migrant students, and other student subgroups disproportionately impacted by COVID. |
Estimated Cost $ 212,000 |
Facility Upgrades/Maintenance |
Category |
Description |
Purpose |
HVAC/Air Quality |
HVAC Unit Replacements & Maintenance |
Facility improvements and maintenance to enable operation of schools to reduce risk of virus transmission and exposure to environmental health hazards and to support student and staff health needs. |
Estimated Cost $ 600,000 |
Grand Total $2,929,500 |