SSSD Logo Color 2024 01


Adopted: 4-6-76
Revised: 4-13-05 
Revised: 3-13-13
Revised: 9-9-20

Philosophy and Policy

The South Sanpete Board of Education has always recognized the need for sound fiscal-management policies. Money and money management encompass the foundational support of the whole school system. As a trustee of the Local, State, and Federal funds allocated for use in local public education, the South Sanpete Board of Education has the responsibility to protect these funds and to use them wisely in accordance with State laws and rules, the Utah Money Management Act, federal requirements, and District and Board Policy. 

The Board also recognizes that its primary purpose is to provide the best educational programs possible within the limits of the financial ability of the District. The Board also acknowledges its deep responsibility to the citizens of South Sanpete for the efficient use of Local, State and Federal tax dollars.  To achieve these important purposes, the Board establishes the following fiscal-management goals and entrusts the Business Administrator and Superintendent to manage the District’s fiscal affairs as such:

1. To encourage all District employees to have a feeling of responsibility for the property and financial welfare of the District.

2. To establish levels of funding to provide a quality education by pursuing all possible sources of revenue that are available and practical.

3. To use the best management techniques available for the size of the operation and to be flexible enough to change when changes are warranted.

4. To conduct the fiscal affairs in compliance with the law of the State of Utah and the regulations of the State Department of Education and other pertinent agencies.

5. To conduct the affairs of the business department in such a way that the public, fellow employees, and State agencies will have confidence and trust.

6.  To work with the State Legislature, State Board of Education, and other appropriate agencies to establish and maintain levels of funding adequate to provide a quality educational program throughout the District. 

7. The School Board and District Administration are covered under the Governmental Immunity Act of Utah.  The Division of Risk Management runs the insurance pool for Utah State government entities and carries the fidelity insurance that satisfies Utah State statue bond requirements. (63G-7)

References: Board Rule R277-113
