Adopted: 11-8-77
Reviewed: 2-12-03
Revised: 8-11-10
South Sanpete Board of Education recognizes that every student should have the opportunity to learn in an environment which is safe and conducive to the learning process and free from unnecessary disruption. Every student is expected to follow accepted rules of conduct, show respect for other people and property, and obey persons in authority. In order to maintain a secure and orderly learning environment, the District hereby establishes the following guidelines and procedures to address disruptive student behavior which is unacceptable and may result in disciplinary action.
The District provides equal educational opportunity for all individuals. Therefore, the District prohibits all discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or disability. Complaints of discrimination or unfair application of this Policy should be filed promptly with the individual's principal/supervisor or the District administration.
The South Sanpete School District believes that students need parameters of orderly conduct and academic expectations that will guide, mold, and help instill good citizenship, respect, and moral character of students. Therefore, all students shall be held to the highest standards of behavior and citizenship in the classroom, on school grounds, in District buses and vehicles, during school-sponsored activities, and outside of school if their actions have a disrupting affect to the educational process. Criminal acts or disruptive behavior of any kind will not be tolerated and any individual(s) who engages in such activity will be subject to school disciplinary action, prosecution, or both.
1. Improper Behavior
Students who demonstrate the following improper behavior on school premises, in conjunction with school-related events, and/or disrupt the educational process, are subject to disciplinary action:
A. Frequent or flagrant willful disobedience; defiance of proper authority; disruptive behavior, including, but not limited to, using foul, profane, vulgar, and abusive language; fighting; assaults; threats; or other unreasonable and substantial disruption of a class, activity, event, or other function of the educational process. Reference: Policy JH “Safe Schools”
B. Discrimination (including sexual, racial, religious, disability, or any other classification protected by law). References: Policy JECD “Sex Discrimination” and Policy JH “Safe Schools”
C. Any gang activity. References: Policy JH “Safe Schools” and Policy JFCA “Dress Standard”
D. Possession or use of pornographic or indecent material on school property or in conjunction with a school-sponsored activity. Reference: Policy JH “Safe Schools”
E. Trespassing or loitering on school property, stealing, burglary, vandalism; graffiti, or willful destruction or defacing of school property or the property of others.
Reference: Policy JH “Safe Schools”
F. Criminal mischief, terroristic threats, intimidation, harassment, bullying, cyber-bullying, hazing, or threatened behavior which poses an immediate or significant threat to the welfare, safety, or morals of other students, school personnel, or to the operation of the educational process. References: Policy JGA “Bullying and Hazing” and Policy JH “Safe Schools”
G. Demeaning behavior, whether consensual or not, including behavior involving physical violence, restraint, improper touching, inappropriate public display of affection, or inappropriate exposure of body parts not normally exposed in public settings.
Reference: Policy JH “Safe Schools”
H. Improper use of cellular phones, Mp3 players, iPods, laser pointers, and other electronic devices. Reference: Policy JGB “Interfering Devices and Electronic Communication Devices”
I. The use, possession, sale, or distribution of drugs, controlled substances, imitation controlled substances, or other similarly harmful substances, including drug paraphernalia.
References: Policy JH “Safe Schools” and Policy JFCI “Drug Abuse by Students”
J. The use, possession, sale, or distribution of alcoholic beverages.
References: Policy JH “Safe Schools” and Policy JFCI “Drug Abuse by Students”
K. The use, possession, sale, or distribution of tobacco products, including any electronic tobacco devices. References: Policy JHB “Tobacco Prevention” and Policy JH “Safe Schools”
L. The use, possession, sale, or distribution of any real or facsimile (look-alike) firearm, weapon, knife, explosive device, chemical device, noxious or flammable material, martial arts weapons, or other dangerous objects. This also includes the actual or threatened use of these items or material. Reference: Policy JH “Safe Schools”
M. Misuse of computers, e-mail, internet, or other technology devices and equipment.
References: Policies ECB, and ECC “Student Computer Use Policy” and Policy JH ”Safe Schools”
N. Truancy, attendance, or tardy violations. Reference: Policy JE “Attendance Policy”
O. Violation of dress and grooming standards, including, but not limited to, wearing anything signifying gang affiliation; wearing anything concerning tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or illegal activities; wearing anything immodest; having unacceptable piercings; or wearing anything that disrupts or is reasonably anticipated to disrupt the educational process.
References: Policy JFCA “Dress and Grooming Standards”; Policy JFCAA “Commencement Exercises Dress Standard” and Policy JH “Safe Schools”
P. Any other serious violation affecting another student or school personnel that occurs in a school building, on school property, or in conjunction with any school activity or event.
Reference: Policy JH “Safe Schools”
Q. The commission of any act which would constitute a crime under federal, state or local law.
Reference: Policy JH “Safe Schools”
R. Involvement in any of the foregoing types of conduct outside of school or at school-related activities and events, before or after school hours, which substantially and materially disrupt the educational process.
Reference: Policy JH “Safe Schools”
2. Student Government and Extracurricular Activities
Students who participate in student government and extracurricular activities are held to a higher standard of conduct and citizenship and become role models for others in the school and community. The Board considers it a privilege and not a Constitutional right to represent the school or District in extracurricular activities and in leadership positions. These individuals often play major roles in establishing and maintaining the reputation of the school and the level of community confidence and support afforded the school. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that those involved in student government, competitive athletics and other school activities comply with all applicable laws and rules of behavior and conduct themselves at all times in a manner befitting their positions and responsibilities. Students who do not comply with these guidelines and expectations shall face disciplinary action which may include dismissal from a team or removal from office. Students in these positions who are suspended or expelled will lose the privilege to represent, practice or participate during the period of the suspension/expulsion. Utah Code 53A-11-908 (2010)
3. Disciplinary Action
- It is the responsibility of teachers to handle the minor discipline and behavior problems that are encountered in performing their duties. Teachers, advisors, and coaches are expected to have rules and guidelines for their own classroom, team, or organization to manage student problems themselves.
- For reoccurring behavioral problems, and in cases of insubordination or misconduct when ordinary and usual methods of correction are ineffective, teachers, advisors, or coaches may refer the student directly to the school administration or designee for further action.
- As student problems arise, teachers and administrators should communicate and correspond with parents/guardians in a timely manner to make them aware and to request their assistance in improving the student behavior in question. Discipline for improper student behavior should be a shared responsibility of the parent/guardian, the employee, and the school administration.
- Whenever possible, all levels of disciplinary action shall be held in a confidential manner to avoid degradation and embarrassment.
- Discipline for students with disabilities shall be handled as outlined in the District’s Safe School Policy and in accordance with the current rules and regulations contained in IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Act).
- It is the responsibility of all staff members to report prohibited behavior to school administration or an appropriate supervisor. Any student who engages in conduct in violation of this Policy or any other school/District policy concerning student behavior and conduct shall be subject to disciplinary action. Consequences shall be firm and fair and in accordance with the severity of the infraction and school/District policies. A continuum of consequences should be utilized if appropriate under the circumstances. Disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, exclusion or loss of extracurricular activities or student government, parent attendance at school with student, probation, an alternative educational placement, a change in class schedule, or expulsion. In imposing such discipline, all facts and circumstances of the incident(s) shall be taken in to account. Some consequences of misconduct may be specifically prescribed by school or District polices, and/or others may be handled by the District’s SRO or designee in accordance with State or Federal Law.
- When a student infraction occurs, disciplinary action shall be administered according to school/District Policy, State Law, and/or Federal Law.
4. Due Process
- Upon being appraised of a student problem that it is in violation of District/school policy or State Law that may lead to disciplinary action, a school administrator or designee shall promptly and thoroughly investigate and document the incident.
- The school administrator shall give the student verbal or written notice of the violation, evidence of the accusation, and then provide the student the opportunity to present his/her side of the story. Generally, the notice of a violation and informal hearing shall precede disciplinary action or the student’s removal from school.
- In a timely manner, the parent/guardian shall be notified of the violation and given a verbal or written account of the violation and the disciplinary action that is being taken. Disagreements between parents, teachers, and the school shall be handled by the school administration.
- If the disciplinary action is a suspension, the school administrator must (1) notify the parent/guardian, (2) identify the grounds for the suspension and specify the length of the suspension (one to ten days), (3) if needed, schedule a time and place for the parent/guardian to meet the school administrator to review the incident and the suspension, and (4) outline the conditions for the student’s return to school and the disciplinary action for subsequent violations.
- School expulsions shall be handled as outlined in the District’s Safe School Policy.
5. Dissemination and Review
A. Each school shall compile an annual report of all suspensions and expulsions and submit it the District at the end of the school year. The report shall include the student’s race, gender, disability status (if applicable), grade, reason for suspension/expulsion, and the length of the suspension/expulsion.
B. A copy of this Policy shall be listed on the District’s Website and may be published in student handbooks. It shall be reviewed with faculty and students at the beginning of the school year. Advisors and coaches shall specifically review the part on Student Government and Extracurricular Activities.