Administrative Organization, Line of Authority, and Job Functions                                  CD

Policy Revision: 11-14-12 (Combined Policies CC, CCA-SP, CCA-SP-1, and CD)

The legal authority of the Board is to be transmitted through the Superintendent along specific paths from person to person as shown by the District's Organizational Chart. All such charts shall be submitted to the Board for approval and shall be regarded as visual representations of policy.

The Board also recognizes the need for ongoing creation and modification of employee job descriptions. Due to the frequent emergence of new research, laws, technologies, and other factors, new job positions must often be created, and existing ones must often be modified to meet the evolving needs of students and the District. This purpose of this Policy is to ensure that the duties and qualifications of school and District employees stay current and relevant to the operation of the District.

The Board desires the Superintendent to establish clear understandings on the part of all personnel of the working relationships in the school system.

1. Line of Authority
Personnel shall be expected to refer matters requiring administrative action to the administrator to whom they are responsible. That administrator shall refer such matters to the next higher administrative authority when necessary. Additionally, all personnel are expected to keep the person to whom they are immediately responsible informed of their activities by whatever means the person in charge deems appropriate.

The lines of authority in the charts represent direction of communication, authority, responsibility, and accountability. It is expected that the established lines of authority will serve most purposes. But all personnel shall have the right to appeal any decision made by an administrative officer through grievance procedures established through Board Policy.

Additionally, lines of authority do not restrict in any way the cooperative, sensible collaboration of all staff members at all levels in order to develop the best possible school programs and services. The established lines of authority represent direction of authority and responsibility. The lines represent avenues for a two-way flow of ideas to improve the program and operations of the school system.

2. Job Functions and Personnel Directory
Under the direction of the Superintendent, the Job Function Chart for the District Office Staff shall be updated periodically to reflect current duties of each employee. In addition, a Personnel Job Directory for other District/school positions, titles, and descriptions shall be maintained at the District Office. This Directory shall include:

A. Assistant Superintendent
B. Psychologist
C. School Lunch Director
D. School Nurse
E. Accounting Director
F. CTE Director
G. Program Director
H. Special Education Director
I. District 504 Coordinator
J. District Technology Director
K. Maintenance Personnel Director
L. District Office Secretary
M. Personnel Resource Assistant
N. Transportation Director
O. Principal
P. Teachers
Q. School Counselor
R. Paraprofessionals/Teaching Assistants

3. Organizational Chart (revised)

4. Job Functions of District Office Staff (revised)

pdfCD Revised.pdf