SSSD Logo Color 2024 01

[F] Facilities Development

Adopted: 4-12-77
Reviewed: 6-22-05


The South Sanpete Board of Education believes that the architect may contribute to the building program in the following ways:

1. Advice and assistance in the selection of a site;

2. Assistance in determining the physical requirements of the project and developing preliminary budgets;

3. Preparation of preliminary sketches and studies incorporating educational specifications;

4. After thorough review, preparation of detailed drawings, plans, specifications, and contracts for the project;

5. Preparation of necessary forms and information to advertise the project for bid, assistance in bid opening, advice to the committee on awarding the contract;

6. Supervision and administration of the construction phase of the project;

7. Certification of payments to the contractor and advice as to final acceptance of the building; and

8. Authoritative, professional presentation of the building program to the public, especially with regard to costs and details of construction.

New ideas for building construction and design are emerging every day in modern architecture and no single firm of architects can be expected to know or have experienced all new developments. The Board will appoint architectural firms, which can demonstrate a wide range of experience and talent conducive to progressive and efficient planning.

In selecting architects the following criteria will be considered:

1. Training and experience, including that of partners and associates;

2. Planning ability and promptness;

3. Specification writing, accuracy, and sufficiency of detail;

4. Design, appearance, and utility;

5. Inspection of job effectiveness;

6. Relation with contractors;

7. Experience with government agencies;

8. Human relations skills; and

9. Evidence of adequate supervision during construction phases or various stages of construction.

In addition to the above criteria selected architects must be licensed and registered to do work in Utah.